What To Do When Someone Asks For More Info
Aug 17, 2021
What to do when you get someone in the DM’s telling you that they want more information about your offer or more information about your business opportunity?
Now I know it feels so natural to want to just send an informational video or a graphic or just start word vomiting all the amazing things about your product and your company and all the cool things that it does and what is included.
However, when someone says this to you, you have an awesome opportunity to take this conversation down a path that's actually going to help people get what they want. Keep this in mind. No matter how many years you've been in your business, no matter how often you talk about it, your audience, because they aren't in the bubble, don't know what you do. They have no idea. So when you go into it always assuming that people have absolutely no idea. This is a unique opportunity to make sure that you're asking the right questions.
So when someone says, Hey, can I get more info? or What is this boot camp challenge or group accountability that you keep talking about? One of the biggest questions that I recommend asking is “Sally, thanks so much for reaching out. I'm so curious, what made you curious to learn more?” Because understanding why they reached out really makes it a lot easier to understand.
Also, take a look at what post made them reach out because that's also very important market research information. Because if you're talking about your offer, and doing all of these different things, but you notice that when you post on your Instagram feed, that's when most people are DM-ing you, then you know that you can double down on your Instagram feed sales content efforts.
Learn and understand their needs.
Make sure that you are asking questions to learn more about them and their needs. Because here's the thing, if someone says, Hey, I want more info, and your information, dump all of this stuff on them, what's going to end up happening, you're going to give them a ton of information that they actually do not need. And what do I mean by that? Let's say you're talking all about your group and how it's helping people with weight loss and whatnot. And the person who reached out to you wasn't interested in weight loss. Now, they're not interested at all in your group, because instead of learning about them, you were dumping information that is of interest to you. So that's another reason why during this process, make sure that you are listening more, talking less, and asking the right questions.
Follow Up
So we've already asked them what made them curious to learn more. Now, you can ask some follow-up questions about what they're looking for. Because let's say you're talking to Sally, and she says that she's been looking for an accountability group that meets in the mornings before she goes to work because she notices that that is the time that her days tend to go off track. You can then say, you know what, that is so awesome. We actually all meet up on zoom at 5 am to start the daily workout, and so on. But I guarantee you likely wouldn't have shared that in a word vomit without asking questions to learn more about what Sally is looking for. So then from that point, I recommend repeating it back to her. Sally, I love that you are curious about this group because of X, Y, and Z. And you're looking for something like this, but you definitely don't want anything like that. Is that everything that I cover at all? She's going to be like, yes, do you have something like that? And if you do have something that meets her needs, now is the opportunity to let Sally know, hey, I actually have a couple of options that can help you out with this. When is a good time for us to touch base and talk final details? So you can take the conversation on the phone, or Zoom depending on your relationship with the person.
But what you want to make sure from this point is you aren't just sending links, because if you leave Sally to her own devices, right, there's very minimal chance of follow-through. So you could also walk her through in the DMS. But essentially, you're taking her through the sales process in the DMS, if you want to, or you can take it somewhere where it's a little bit more intimate like zoom, or the phone.
When you are having a sales conversation with someone, you want to keep it on the platform in which it started unless you're taking it somewhere where there's even more of an intimate connection contact meeting. If you are on Instagram DM’s, don't transition the conversation to email. However, if you're on Instagram DM’s and you want to get on the phone or get on zoom, that's a great option because you're going to be face to face voice to voice, whatever you want to do to look at it.
But what happens is if you say “awesome, I will send you information via email” what's going to happen? Sally is not going to look at that information, she will not pay attention. And right she will move on. She is interested right now. So you want to make sure that you are guiding her right to that point of making a purchasing decision now, and so again, keep that in the DM’s or take it on the phone or on zoom. But the biggest thing to remember too is making sure again that we're asking the strong sales questions. Because the biggest mistake that I've seen so many network marketers make, especially right now, is during this process, they're spending more time talking. But during this point, you want to ask intentional and open-ended questions, and spend more time listening, and then repeating back what they say to you.
The more you repeat what she wants it is increasing her confidence that you understand her needs. And it's also increasing her confidence in your offer, right because you're making it about her.
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