What The Gurus Aren't Telling You About Inviting
Oct 26, 2021
Today, we are pointing out the difference between low-ticket and high-ticket buyers. Now, a lot of the gurus out there that are talking to you about selling on Instagram, or selling in your business are oftentimes appealing to the same type of metrics that the Instagram gurus are out there, essentially telling you to focus on these vanity metrics. There are very cheap ways as I like to call them to boost engagement.
Essentially what a lot of these gurus teach are these really cheap ways that temporarily boost engagement to give you that dopamine hit to make you think that your account is moving ahead. But the truth of the matter is that it's not actually impacting your business long term. You might see a short-term boost in your engagement, but it drops very quickly. And if anything, you're back to where you started within 24 hours, or in a lot of the cases, you're actually worse off than you were before you did some of those tricks.
A lot of what those people teach, again, is teaching you tricks that appeal to that dopamine hit of wanting to grow followers, but it's not actually growing a business. And it's the same thing when it comes to sales. There are a lot of gurus that are out there teaching you ways to sell to the lowest common denominator, aka, get someone in by any means necessary, get them in the door, get their money, but they don't teach you how to make sure that you get the right person in so that you are actually able to facilitate their transformation, they're able to get results. And then you, in turn, are able to actually grow a sustainable team or a sustainable brand, whatever your business model is, right.
So when you are in network marketing will speak specifically to that. You want to make sure that you are getting the right buyer into the business opportunity. Because if you follow a lot of those cheap sales tricks that teach you just to get someone in by any means necessary, what ends up happening is you get the wrong person into the business opportunity. And that ends up eating up your time and energy and can actually impact the foundation of your organization, right, the difference between low-ticket and high ticket buyers.
Now the biggest difference between low-ticket and high ticket buyers is low ticket buyers expect convenience, they expect easy access, they don't like waiting for things to ship, they want things immediately. They want it all. They think that because they bought one thing from you, they should be able to get everything that you offer and they should get the bulk of your time. And that is just an example of a low-ticket buyer in the online space. Now I'm not saying that being a low-ticket buyer is bad. I always put that disclaimer in there. Because we all have things that we're low ticket buyers for my example is shoes. I hate spending a lot of money on shoes and I really don't know why I'll see a nice pair of sneakers. I know they're good for my wide feet, but they are $100 and in my brain, I'm like I could probably get something cheaper for 30, or I'll even get more impatient for shipping for no good reason when it comes to something that I'm a low ticket buyer for.
However, on the flip side, you have a high ticket buyer and you want to make sure that especially when you are bringing into the business opportunity that you are signing up a high ticket buyer, and here's why. A high ticket buyer is someone that is doing the due diligence and taking radical responsibility to ensure that what you're talking about in the business opportunity is the best fit for them. They are someone that is fine with waiting. They know that something worthwhile takes time; they are not afraid to do the work and for them.
Quality over quantity is everything.
They also are someone who wants to talk to you about your experience and they want to experience everything that you have to offer, they want to embody the experience in the sales process. They are so excited about the experience in your groups or under your mentorship, they are thinking about the whole picture. A high ticket buyer is also someone that is focused on ROI. Meaning, when we think about investing, a low ticket buyer is thinking about what they stand to lose when they spend the money when they invest in signing up with you.
A low ticket buyer is thinking about man, I'm spending $160, right, but a high ticket buyer. On the flip side, a high ticket buyer is looking at it this way, “I'm investing $160 To get this outcome that is worth so much more than $160. Or I'm investing $600 into this course that's going to give me the tools that helped me make $10,000.” So they're not caught up on what they are spending or investing right now, they are focused on that outcome because a high ticket buyer is committed to the work.
When you focus too much on low ticket buyers...
Now, a lot of the Guru's and unfortunately, a lot of companies are teaching you to speak to low ticket buyers, because that's an easy sale for corporate, not for you. Right, because the language that hits home for a low ticket buyer is focusing on the deals, the discounts, the flash sale, giving away your commission to get someone to sign up sending them things in the mail. If you buy this, you get this for free, right? A lot of that language comes from the infomercial space, right? Because, right, from a corporate perspective, that's how they sell to their consumers. But in network marketing, we should not be using those tactics to sell to our customers. Why? Because someone is loyal to us. If you want someone to have a long term customer relationship with you, and you focus on a low ticket buyer, what you end up doing is inadvertently creating a monster, meaning if you do a flash sale, and someone signs up and they're on an auto-ship, what they're going to do and likely you've noticed this happening already is within three months, usually within the first 30 days, they will cancel and they will wait for another sale.
A couple of years ago, I used to be a low-ticket buyer for HelloFresh. Meaning I would use the code to get the first box free. And then I would have my parents get a box for free. And then I would, you know, borrow it from them. And then my work would get a box free. And I would borrow it from them, right to get out of paying full price. But HelloFresh didn't come for me because I have been a full-price paying customer for two years straight now, ever since really the panini press started. And HelloFresh I love you. But that's an example, that they a lot of the time have been appealing to that low ticket buyer. And they know that people do that. And trust me, they've got plenty of my money. But you don't want that in your business, a corporation like HelloFresh or any of those, they can handle that. But your organization cannot withstand that type of turnover, right? That's low-ticket buyer language. And that's not the type of language that you want to bring into the infrastructure of your network marketing team.
High Ticket Buyers Language
Now, what is the language that hits home for high ticket buyers?
Right? They are focused on the outcome they are focused on. Imagine six months from now when you are walking down the aisle on your wedding day and you're wearing the dress that was your mom's? You know, right? You paint the picture through storytelling, they care about the outcome, high ticket buyers are not afraid of the work. And the benefit, right of speaking to high ticket buyers, is because they are committed to their results. They take radical responsibility. They are the ones that are perfect to be business builders because they can weather the storm of entrepreneurship because most of the time, entrepreneurship is not a cakewalk. It's not easy. It's one of the hardest things we ever do.
But why do we try to speak to people that don't want to do the hard work? And think that because they magically join the business that they're going to be ready for that when we speak to people in the state of being a low ticket buyer with a high ticket business opportunity? They're not going to jump because they're thinking short-term. What am I losing from investing $300 Right now, instead of a high ticket buyer that's saying, What am I gaining long term from investing into this business? They're looking ahead to the future. And as you know, in network marketing, the biggest thing is, you have to commit to yourself to be here one year from now.
High ticket buyers do that low ticket buyers do not. They are just thinking about the next way that they can save money and if they're constantly thinking about how to save money and cheat the system. They're not thinking in the mind of a business owner. They're not thinking like a business owner that's ready to make investments in themselves to grow an organization with your team.
Now, if this is resonating with you, and I know that it is, I am hosting a three-day FREE challenge in November, the Invite to Income three-day free sales challenge is happening November 3, through November 5. And I'm inviting you to show up, join this challenge, do the work so you can close your next high ticket sale within your business by the end of the challenge. All you have to do is get registered and make sure that you share the link with your team, right because you can't keep this as a secret right?
We're not gatekeeping any information here. I am sharing everything with you so that you can close sales to be able to bring in consistent revenue for you and your team for the holidays. So get registered for the invite to income three-day free challenge, and I will see you next week.