Selling in IG Stories
May 03, 2022
Let’s talk about some really powerful language shifts, that if you make for talking on Instagram, stories about working with you about joining your team, what you're going to find is that these subtle changes are going to be the difference between people reaching out and inquiring about working with you, and people just assuming that you're building your business as a cute hobby on the side.
Now I understand with your business, you want people to know that you get paid for what you do. And trust me when people know that they will happily go to their wallet and pull out their credit card to invest in you. However, a lot of the language that you're using when you talk about what you do on social media right now leads people to believe that you do it for fun, you do it on the side, and you do it for free. And here's the kicker, there's absolutely nothing wrong with constantly saying, “Hey, I am someone who charges and people invest in me for my expertise and what I do”, but you need to make sure that your language is consistent throughout. Because if you show up on social media, and make it sound like it's something you do for free on the side, and then you let someone know privately that you charge subconsciously it almost feels like a bait and switch. And obviously, that is not your intention.
But when we work on these language shifts about talking on Instagram Stories, what you're going to see is that you have people that when you talk to in the DMS, they confidently understand that they should be investing with you for what you do.
Let's go ahead and start with the intro. And I'll tell you exactly why. How you start your video and how you end the video matters. Because people oftentimes Yes, they will click through your stories. But if you hook them powerfully at the beginning, and at the end, if you have the right authoritative language, even if someone doesn't reach out the first few times they see your stories, what's going to end up happening is that people are going to be a lot more likely that when you are actively selling something, they'll say, “Oh, yes. So and so is paid for what they do, I want access to them, I want to be in their energy, I want to be around their expertise. Of course, I'm going to happily invest in that.”
The Intro
So let's start with part one. Here's the biggest mistake that you make. You either are slapping up a bunch of corporate stock photos, or you use language like if you're anything like me, or are you someone who or do you struggle with right? I see this a lot of the time. Right now a lot of my clients regarding gut health will say something like “Do you struggle with bad gut health?” And what that does is the person watching is probably thinking, “No, I don't think so.” And they click through and they leave and they don't listen to you. Or they're like I don't understand what she's talking about. And they click through using language that people don't use in their day-to-day life. In Instagram Stories, when you're speaking one too many is another main reason why people skip past you. So as an example of this, if your prospect doesn't say gut health in their day-to-day life, don't use that language when you talk on video.
The second piece here is when you say “Do you struggle with or are you someone who…” that signals to the person that's watching that you don't understand them? And if they don't believe that you understand them, they're not going to see you as a trusted authority that they should financially invest it point blank period.
So what should you stay instead? You're going to look straight into the camera, straight into the soul and you're going to say “I know how frustrating it is to go days without seeing a number two in the bathroom.” Right? You're speaking directly to them directly about something that bothers them. And you're being specific you're not saying do you go days without going to the bathroom, but that is that is bad. That is early 2000s sales copy That doesn't fly anymore. It's, “I know how uncomfortable it is to go days without going to the bathroom.” Right? You're being specific, you're speaking directly to them.
Now the person on the other end is like, she's talking to me. How did she know that I literally just had to take a special pill to help this problem, what's going on? Right? Now they're paying attention. And now they're watching. That is how you start a video, if you are selling on Instagram, on stories on live, you're selling one to many, you're doing it on a big zoom, it doesn't matter. You need to speak directly to that person. Because if you ask a question “Do you struggle with…” the person on the other end is always going to be like, No, I don't think I do, even if they are someone that actually does struggle with this specific problem.
Now let's talk about the close. The close here is important. And I'll tell you exactly why. Because I know exactly what it is you do you say things like, “if you want help with this, let me know. Do you want to work on this, I'm here for you.” And when you say things like that, what that tells the person on the other end is that you do this for fun, you do this for free, you do this out of the kindness of your heart. And again, what happens is the minute you ask someone to pay subconsciously, it feels like a bait and switch.
Obviously, you know, and I know that you're only saying that is because you want the person on the other end to know that you care. However, that language is counterproductive to what you want the person on the other end to feel which is supported on their journey. So instead of saying, Do you want to fix this, I'm here for you. What you want to say instead is going to be a version of this is exactly what I help my clients do. Or “what I helped my clients do is take out the St. Ives apricot scrub from their shower and replace it with a face wash that's actually going to protect the layer of their skin rather than destroy it.” So you're talking to them about what you do with your customers and what you do with your clients, right? If you're talking about the business opportunities,” this is exactly what I help you do I help you get set up with a business system that blah, blah, blah, right?” Can you feel can you really see the difference now, between sounding like a hobbyist that does this for fun to someone who is confident in what they're bringing to the table, and how it's changing someone's life.
When you are talking one too many on Instagram Live on Instagram stories in front of a big group, how you present the information matters because if people don't see you as a trusted authority, who gets paid for their expertise, they will not have enough curiosity sparked to spend more time looking into what it's like to work with you. And these little language shifts, even if you've only been in your business a couple of months. If you've been in your business for a couple of years, this will make such a big difference. Because oftentimes Instagram stories and Instagram Live, like I'm recording this right now while on Instagram Live is one of the best ways to get to get curiosity sparked, right. Because sometimes people will hop on an Instagram Live or pop into your story. And they have no idea that you're launching a program, they have no idea that you have this free resource. So when you show up confidently and use this language and then say, to get started, “go to the link in my bio and download my free resource that will you know, help you do bah bah, bah.” They're like, Ooh, I'm curious. Now I want to take the necessary steps to learn more, right? This language shift is going to be the difference between people taking action to spend more time with you, investing in you learning from you, or someone just clicking past your stories like they couldn't care less, right? This is going to completely change the game for your business.
Let me know if this was helpful to you.
Until next time!