Navigating New Releases - Preferred Customer Program & BODI
Aug 10, 2021
We are talking about a couple of different topics, everything from being so overwhelmed about all of the new announcements, changes products, and everything coming from your network marketing company, and not knowing which way is up, how to sell it, how to promote it. And then, of course, I want to talk about the specific Beachbody announcements that have come up lately.
It seems like there are quarterly and seasonal releases, there are so many things thrown at you. And oftentimes, you are having to drastically pivot what you're talking about and shift gears so quickly, to be able to respond to your network marketing company putting out new products and how to really navigate that. Now the biggest thing when it comes to network marketing products is a lot of companies have such a vast catalog that it does feel very overwhelming. And it does feel like you're talking about so many different things and products and services. Then you're struggling with what to talk about the business, and when do you talk about the products and all the different products and the ways to sign up.
Focus on one offer
It is very overwhelming no matter what company you're in, there's a lot going on. So how can you best manage that? The best tip that I can always give is just because something is brand new and corporate is promoting it as a new release, that does not mean that you have to promote it as a new release at the same time. So if you are in the middle of doing something else in your business, and your corporation drops a new product, you can wait until you're finished with what you're already doing to pivot your audience to talk about that new product.
If you are constantly jumping back and forth and talking about eight different things on your social media, you're confusing the crap out of your audience and your potential client. Nobody knows what it is we do. No matter how long you've been in your business people don't really understand and most people don't even understand or realize that they can buy from you, which I know feels super shocking. But it's just facts. So trust me, no one knows what you do. So when you're talking about all of these different products at once, what you're actually doing is pushing your buyer further from you. So my best recommendation is when you are doing forward-facing promotions, always focus on one thing at a time. So you're doing a push to a product or a challenge group or a course or a certain offer. Wait until you're done launching that publicly, and then move on to the business opportunity.
Behind the Scenes
When you are talking publicly about an offer, you can talk about as many as you want behind the scenes, because you're talking to someone on a one to one basis. And so that's what I like to call behind the scenes selling. So behind the scenes is a B launch or B selling. And then the forward-facing launch is what I usually call the main launch, the forward-facing launch, meaning your social media promotions, so you can have two directions going but only one is public. So that is another way that I recommend if there are so many different products and things coming from your network marketing company that you're excited about, but you don't want to overwhelm everybody by talking about too much. Talk about one behind the scenes private email list one on one and then keep one forward-facing that way, because oftentimes, we have a certain sector of our audience that's checking email a lot more often than the sector of our audience that checks social media, they're usually not the same. So there's another tip that can help you out as well.
I have a lot of Beachbody listeners, and there have been a lot of exciting things happening. You just entered beta for BODI, the live interactive workouts with the podcast, and then you have a new way to enroll in the preferred customer program. With so much going on, I actually did a series of polls on my stories just the other day. And I asked my audience, how prepared do you feel to promote this new offer, this new product, and actually 75% of people said they did not feel that prepared to talk about BODI.
Best way to offer memberships
Starting with Beachbody live interactive workouts, it really follows more of a membership style format, where it's like other subscriptions write to a gym or to peloton or to the kickboxing app and things like that. It's a little bit more right than just BOD by itself. $100 for the year, BODIis a little bit more, and from what I'm understanding, they're likely going to have a lot more people on the monthly subscription for BODI compared to BOD. That is why when I am doing training and helping coaches with how to promote it, I recommend treating it like a membership model, because that is how you're able to really formulate a targeted launch, to drive traffic to sign up for that.
But when it comes to Beachbody interactive, the biggest thing that I can recommend for this is creating a separate type of group, sometimes you'll hear me refer to it as a container. When you are focusing on promoting a certain group, I recommend making it something different and that you haven't done before, right? Because when you create a new offer or a new way to serve people, your existing customers are also going to be excited. So if your goal right now is to look at your warm audience, your existing audience, your BOD pool, to talk to them about the body, create a group and give them a way to upgrade into that group where they get more pieces of training, more access to you exclusive materials, and just a different level of service. That is such a powerful way to sell that.
We definitely recommend treating the Beachbody interactive, like a traditional membership launch format. And so one of the biggest things is when someone knows that they can join something at any time it becomes less of a priority, right? Why would they rush to sign up today if they can do it tomorrow? And as we know, tomorrow never comes. So the best recommendation is to offer a membership style kind of launch to have certain open cart close cart periods with benefits that they can't get other places, which is again, the reason why someone's signing up with you. It’s because of you, not just for the product or service, through your network marketing company that people know they can get anywhere. They're signing up with you for your expertise, your skills, your gifts, and the things that make you unique. So when you keep that in mind, use that information to create a group that's exclusive for your Beachbody interactive subscription
Preferred customer program
My biggest recommendation is to build it into its own offer for your business. Preferred Customer allows having all the benefits of being a coach without being able to sell anything. And you're paying the same fee, you get the discount, but obviously, because you're not able to sell, you don't have to enter your personal information and the social and all that jazz to sign up. But people still get the perks. But, one of the biggest things as a whole that we need to know is when someone purchases as a preferred customer, you aren't getting the commission. They have their placement in the genealogy it applies to volume. So with that being said, right, there are two main categories that can really go into:
- preferred customer for your loyal customers who buy all the time you extend, right that discount to them that since they're already buying, they're already loyal. That's how you keep your most loyal eyes, customers who purchase regularly happy.
- people who aren't yet ready to coach but want to learn and almost observe what it takes to be a coach so that they can opt to switch into the business at any time. They're already used to paying the monthly fee, they're used to a lot of the things to understand what it takes on the back end right? about being a coach, it's just about upgrading that membership, or that registration type.
So you've got the two categories, your most loyal customers, keep them loyal, and keep them happy. And then you have the people who are interested in looking at coaching but aren't quite ready to commit yet. Here's my vision, here's my strategy, I'm going to give it to you right now. Take it and run with it, it's going to change your life.
Use Preferred Customer as a way to almost train your leaders before they even become coaches. So that way, when they make the empowered decision that they're ready to move up into being an active coach, you can teach them so they already know what to do. They already follow your lead. They're already paying attention and taking advice. They just have to start doing the work. They already got over the biggest hump, going from PC to active coach isn't that big of a leap. You can teach them so that the minute they're ready to switch over, they hit the ground running because they have the knowledge, the support, and the tools that they've already been implementing on.
But, Martha told me that there are definitely ways to maximize the compensation plan for your business using the preferred customer program. And Martha is the person that has the resource for you to help you maximize the preferred customer program based on your specific goals in your business.
Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Head to @kaylaybanez and let’s keep the convo going of all of the new things that are releasing.