How to Content Planning
May 27, 2021
Where do you even start when you plan content???
Content planning can be super overwhelming, so we broke it down into three steps!
Understand your target audience
- The best way to do this is to ask yourself:
- Who do you want to reach?
- What do they care about?
- How and where do they like to consume information?
Once you answer these questions, you will have a great understanding of who you should be targeting with your content.
Make sure you spend time and really get to know your audience. Talk with them. They will be very open as to what type of content they want to see from you.
Define your goals and how you will measure them
What is your goal and how will you define it?
Is your goal to spread brand awareness? Then your units of measure will be increased traffic, shares, and views of your content.
Is your goal customer support? Then your unit of measure is a lowered amount of support calls and emails.
Examine your competition
What is your competition posting about?
What is their audience asking?
What are they MISSING in their content? Fill in the gaps! Answer questions their audience is asking. Cover topics that go well for them, etc.
How are you doing with your content strategy?
Do you need help?
No problem!
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