BB coaches - It's Summit Week
Jul 13, 2021
In this week's episode, we are talking about conventions and events and using them as a way to recruit to your business, which is something that's very common. So the biggest thing when it comes to events is that people utilize events or things where they're outside of the scope of their normal day to day life as a business recruiting tool because when people see how much fun we're having, and all the community and all the great stuff we're doing, they would want to be a part of it.
And this is where it becomes problematic because many network marketers have found that when you bring someone into a business opportunity, utilizing a glitz and glam type of approach, they end up attracting people who want all the fun, but none of the work.
You don't want to use the event as a sales tool, you want to use the event as a way to cultivate a stronger community and not have that be the reason you bring them in to sign and I'm going to break it down for you exactly how I would recommend going about it.
I would bring your audience into the planning process of the event if you are the host of the event, or you're getting people coming together. Let's say you're getting together with a group or you're doing a retreat this week, or even if you are watching this virtually from home, how were you preparing for the virtual event?
Are you going to the store to get food?
Are you planning outfits?
Are there other activities?
Bring your audience into the process of planning and ask them their opinion and feedback. When someone feels like they are a part of something that you are creating, and that they're building something with you, they feel like they're a part of it.
Using the event as a way to bring the community closer to you and allow you to strengthen the relationship that you have on a one to one basis with individuals in that community puts you in a position to be comfortable with someone and then with you enough for them to open up about their problems that you can likely solve.
Using the event to bring people in because of how much fun it is to have fun with a sign-up attracts the wrong people. But when you use the event and the planning as a way to build community nurture, what you end up doing is you take someone from a cold lead bucket into a warm lead bucket. Let them stay warm. Let them watch you throughout the week.
So, as you are planning, packing, traveling, hosting things, and watching things, bring your audience in, utilize Instagram polls and quizzes to ask people's feedback, go live on Instagram while you are getting ready, or setting things up and bring them into the party. If you bring them into what you're doing, and you meet them where they're at, and you approach them like an equal, they will feel that they are much more equipped to have success within the business. So when you bring them into the conversation, you meet them where they're at, and they feel like they're a part of this event with you. That's how you build affinity towards your brand, your team, and everything that you've built. That's when you have people who are excited to buy, that's when you have people who we're excited to work with you.
There are a lot of people in your community more than you even realize that is so ready to join. You just are not saying the right things that have them feeling confident enough to have success in the business themselves, even if they want to. And even if they're so excited, so many people have been using language that has not worked well for them, including:
“There's never been a better time to start an online business.”
It's not about how great the time is. Someone wants to be convinced of their success and working with you in partnering with you and being on your team.
Also, Share takeaways and how it makes you a better leader. That is something else that I would come on and share. I would not share about all the announcements. I would not share all about so and so made a million dollars in this and that. I would not spam all of the transformation pictures right? Because none of that stuff is showcasing what you are as a leader and you as a mentor unless of course, you were a part of facilitating any of those major transformations. And in that case, go for it.
The first person that comes to their mind when they're ready to make a change is going to be the person they sign up and join with. And so as someone that is working to be omnipresent on social media, this is such a great opportunity for you to make sure that you are the first person that they think of. But this week, cultivating community is everything.
To recap, rather than spending summit week doing “Look at me, look at me and look at how great we are”, Bring your audience into the conversation. Ask their opinion. Ask them to participate in something, create opportunities this week for them to interact with you. And for them to feel seen, heard, and appreciated.
What you will find is that coming out of summit week, you will have people when you change your approach, who are excited to learn more about how they can be a part of what you've built.
Selling gets to be easy for you and inviting when you have the audience that's ready because they want to be sold to because of how well you take care of them before they become a customer.