Sign Them Up As A Coach Or Customer
May 11, 2021
Should you try to sign most people up as a distributor or a business builder in your business, when they're really just a customer? And really, what are the implications of doing such?
There have been a lot of corporate incentives for a lot of companies that are encouraging the sign up of distributors, coaches, business participants, whatever you want to call them because the distributors of a company are the corporation's biggest moneymaker. So, the more people that sign up for the business, the more money corporate generally makes.
When there is this push to sign up distributors, what are you doing to convince people to sign up? or What should you say when someone's concerned about putting in their social security number and a bunch of things like that?
Today, we're going to talk about what are some of the best practices and what you should do when it comes to building your business.
Note: There are so many different ways to build this business. And it's really important to make sure that you're building it in a way that feels good for you.
Why do you want to sign someone up as a distributor?
Of course, there's a discount, and they're able to make sales. But if the person you're talking to is not interested in purchasing regularly to warrant the discount, or if they're not planning on selling, then there really is no benefit for signing them up for an account where you need to enter your social security number. Why?
- Because they are going to have to pay a business service fee.
- They would probably want to work with someone else because maybe you're just not the best mentor for them. And they want to go inside and move their registration to someone else. When they are signed up as a business distributor, they are going to either have to quit that business account, wait six months and sign up under someone else.
So, when you are trying to convince someone to sign up for the business. There's a lot of fine print that most people are not explaining before signing someone up. But if you want to look at this from a business perspective for you, there is absolutely no benefit for your business long term to sign up discount coaches or discount distributors. If someone is not purchasing themselves or making sales, there's no volume. And when someone signs up as a distributor, you already are not making a commission.
The impact of signing a coach or distributor in your business
Basically, you're getting someone to sign up, oftentimes through false pretenses, oftentimes through not fully describing what they're signing up for, and what ends up happening is compliance and companies get a lot of complaints because someone did not fully disclose what they were signing up for. Or they were misled under false pretenses and why does this happen? Well, because corporate does a push trying to get people to sign up distributors. However, they're not equipping people with the tools to differentiate who should be signed up as a distributor, and who should just stay a customer.
So when you are looking for the goal of your business, you want to be asking yourself, “if my goal is to help people get more of what they want, am I trying to sign up someone as a distributor for my own gain? Or is this really going to be helping the person now?” However, if someone does not intend to purchase regularly, they are spending more money and not utilizing that discount, and so that is not benefiting them nor you.
So the biggest thing as a business owner is that you have to think outside of the current promotion. There are promotions to sign someone up, and maybe you get a bonus point, or a different qualification thing but that's only in the moment right now. When you sign up all of these distributors who have no intention of actually building anything or utilizing the services and getting the most out of the discount, all you are doing is having them spend more money on things they don't need, and you make less money. So you can kind of see where that disconnect oftentimes happens.
Tell everything. Disclose all that’s involved when it comes to signing a coach or distributor.
When you are offering options to your customer, I think it's really important to disclose all that's involved. So rather than saying, “you're going to get a 25% discount, and blah, blah, blah”, make sure that you're also saying “whether you purchase or not there is a $15 or whatever it is fee assess every single month, Yes, you get this discount. However…” You can't leave someone up to their own devices to read the fine print, right? Because you are the person signing them up, you are the mentor, always want to keep in mind as well.
You are the mentor.
When you're signing someone up on the business, you're also signing up to mentor them at a different level than just a customer. It's really important to make sure that that person is someone you actually want to be mentoring on a regular basis? And if not, what is there something that you can do to make sure that they're getting what they want.
Are you signing that person for their benefit or for your benefit? How is this going to impact my organization in the short term in the long term? And am I giving them all of the tools that they need to make an informed purchasing decision? And when you answer those three questions, you're definitely going to be able to answer for yourself right for your business, whether it makes sense to sign someone up as a customer or as a distributor.
Keep in mind that every decision is setting the tone for the business that you're going to have. What you appreciate, appreciate because if you're not appreciating building a business of integrity. Then the business you're going to have down the road is not going to be one that you're likely going to want to have. So keep that in mind.
Now is your time to jump into the Stop the Hey Girl Method Live: the six-week coaching experience with me where we will transform your business from one where you're constantly begging and pleading for people to stay so that you can maintain rank into a business where you have people coming to you saying “how can I work with you?” The six-week coaching experience kicks off the week of May 24. So, register now!! We are capping the number of spots because I'm very hands-on in my group programs. I cannot wait to serve your business and I cannot wait to see you there.
Also, Listen to the FULL episode on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Remember to take a screenshot and tag @stoptheheygirlpodcast on Instagram.