5 Things That Set My Company Apart From Competition
Dec 14, 2021
Today we’re going to talk about the very important steps that I've taken to allow my companies to stand out from the competition.
2021 was absolutely a year of making massive moves, and also experiencing even bigger growing pains, that I'm so grateful that we got out of the way this year. And that is something that I definitely want to drive home is that there will be years in business and not just one likely multiple, where you have so many things that happen and events that take place that you learn from that.
But these five things that I'm going to share with you are things that have allowed my companies, my coaching business, and then my Social Media Marketing Agency to stand out, even though we were going through these massive growing pains in these insane learning experiences.
Social Proof Revamp
The biggest thing that we have done to stand out from the competition and really shift us into a different playing field is we no longer focus on how much money a client makes when we showcase social proof. Because here's the big thing that really drives me nuts about this industry is that there are people who have clients that were already making decent money like good money before they work with a specific mentor. And then when they have a launch that is huge, a lot of the time people will take that as it's because of me that they had this massive launch when oftentimes the case is that that person was already making decent money anyway.
So I think it's important to really be transparent about what you've created together. So one of the biggest things that we've been focusing on this past year is a social proof revamp. Meaning we focus on case studies that really showcase when I work with someone one on one, or when we take on someone as a client of the agency, we really focus on the things that we helped provide. And we talked about what that was. So we're not focusing on metrics that have nothing to do with the work we have or have not done.
Handling Ghosting Like Pro’s
The second thing that we have really prioritized, and especially in my marketing agency, because we are just about to be celebrating our first full year in business which blows my mind is handling ghosting, like a pro. Now, especially with the agency, we have people that come to us a lot of the time and then when we reach out to book a call to learn more about them and what they're looking for they disappear. They join the business witness protection program, and we can't find them anywhere. But honestly, the biggest thing here is we're here to show up and serve and connect with the people who are ready. And the people that aren't ready, we just aren't chasing, we are so happy to bless and release someone so that they can find a solution that's a better fit for them. Or to make sure that when they are stepping in to work with us, they're doing it when they're completely 110% ready.
And that's important for a partnership of this nature to be successful. So when we get ghosted, and this is something that I love training my team on Ybanez Media is to not take it personally. Because oftentimes 90% of the time, it has nothing to do with us and just everything to do with that person just not being ready yet. And that's okay.
Always Supporting People Regardless of When or If they Buy
The third thing and this has been something that has been a pillar of my company since the very beginning. But this is something that we've been really driving home and again, prioritizing on both companies and that is supporting people regardless of when or if they buy. I don't remember if I've told you this story before, but when I was brand new to my coaching business, what really gave me the Jumpstart that helped me kick-off was being on a big team call with one of the OG in Beachbody and I was put on her radar by someone who had been following me consuming my content, but they had never bought from me. And we still developed a really great connection. We were chatting and she put me in contact with her coach who was one of the top People in Beachbody who graciously invited me on her call. And that was almost three years ago, this January, which just blows my mind. And it was because of that opportunity that I was able to get the kickstart in my business.
And so that was just the first of many signs into the importance of supporting people whether or not they buy because there are people who are the evangelists of your community, who you never know who they know, or who you never know who they could connect you with. They might know someone who really needs you. And that could be your next Rockstar client. So I always will support someone and also support their timing of investing in their business, again, whether that's with me, or whether that's with someone else, that doesn't matter.
I definitely am. So beyond grateful for everyone in my community, whether they've been a customer from the beginning, whether they're a current customer, whether they haven't been a customer in a while, that doesn't matter. Because supporting people and giving them the tools that they can use to better their lives, is why we're in this industry in the first place.
If we're only focused on caring about people when they buy, that is a conditional relationship. And that is not a thought leader community relationship that I want to be fostering. So no matter what, when your goal in business is to make money, you have to do a lot of inner work to be able to separate yourself from those outcomes. Because when you focus so much on those outcomes, and again, you lead with that transactional relationship, you will not have a solid community, you will not have a community that rallies around you or rallies around your mission. So it's really important. Again, this is a non-negotiable.
Delivering Through Innovatives Launches & Freebies
This is another one that has been a pillar of my business since the beginning. But we have been doubling down on it over the course of the past year. And that is overdelivering through innovative launches and freebies. So a perfect example of this is for the past couple of Beachbody launches, I have been creating in-depth free marketing plans that I've just been giving the people like no opt-in - here's the plan, go ahead and use it because I want to give people some tools that can really help them get started.
And a lot of the time, these marketing plans can kind of be that foot in the door to allow someone to be introduced to my style of teaching, my mentorship, and what I do. And so I would rather give someone a freebie that gives them an idea, rather than someone investing in me and have it not be a good fit because they don't connect or resonate with my style. So I love over-delivering through freebies because I give away information because I know at the end of the day, people are not investing in me just based on my knowledge. They're investing in me because of the strategic partnerships that when I work with you, and you and I put our best hats on and we're creating something together, it's going to be magic, and it's going to make you a crap ton of money. So they're investing in me for the personalized support, the hands-on community, to be around other leaders.
There are so many reasons that people are investing in me and what we create together. And it's not just about the information. Because of information, you can find that anywhere. Information is one thing in-depth, personalized, customized strategies, support, and a collaborative marketing effort. That is what you invest in. So I have no problem giving away information, whether or not somebody buys.
Showing our Humanness
I'm definitely saving the best for last because number five is absolutely one of the things that, again, has been such an important strategy that I know isn't always sexy because it's a long game strategy, but I have no problem sharing it with you. And that is especially on my agency side, showcasing us as a team, as a unit and showing our human, our humanness, our human side, and allowing people to connect with who we are as people outside of our expertise.
As we head into 2022 people are connecting with others as humans, they don't just want to feel like it is a sterile brand that has no energy it has no connection, it has no characteristics that we can connect with. I want people to connect with my company, and want to partner with my company because they want to bring us into their business and invite us into their infrastructure. And they also want to be a part of ours and the community and the collaborative effort that we've built together.
It's about being open and transparent. There are so many more things. And that's what we show, we want to show transparency, we want to show that even though we go into an office, like we have fun, that we do fun things with our clients. That's what sets us apart. Because when you see who we are behind the scenes, you know what you're gonna get, you know, who we are as thought leaders, you know, who we are as creatives, but you also know who we are as human beings. And that connection is so important.
I hope this episode is helpful for you. Let me know on Instagram what has been your best takeaway from 2021, and what are you aspiring to do or create in 2022.
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