4 Mistakes Keeping Network Marketers from Making Money
Jun 15, 2021
I am hearing you come to me saying “I am not moving, I am stuck. I don't know why my business isn't moving. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. I feel like my business might as well be a wall because it's not going anywhere.”
And I get it because I spent many, many years stuck, frustrated. We're talking back like 2015 and 2016, I was so stuck to the point where I just wasn't doing anything anymore. And now I have years of success under my belt.
Being able to gauge the difference in business is really powerful.
You have a network marketing business, you think that everyone hates network marketing, you think that your industry is saturated. And that's the reason why people aren't joining you.
Mistake #1 Here are four reasons why no one is joining you and why no one's working with you
The reason why your network marketing business is not moving forward is that you are not owning your expertise. Hear me out. You think that when you join Monat, or when you join Young Living, or when you join Beachbody, that you are now a hair expert, an essential oil expert, health and fitness expert. But that is the thing… that's not the case, you have certain expertise, you have things that you are good at, you have things that you are known for. And instead of utilizing those as a tool in your business, you throw that stuff to the side because you think that your network marketing business is the only thing that you're known for.
I have so many clients who I spend a lot of time with really digging into what makes them unique, what makes them special, and what they actually have to bring to the table. And what people say to me is I didn't know that this mattered. I thought because I partnered with Beachbody that I have to be all health all fitness all workouts. No dude, that is not true at all. People don't want a cookie-cutter fitness coach. There are so many of those online. You do not have to be a cookie-cutter, eat clean, workout, feel-good mind, body, and soul fitness coach.
Honestly, the fact that you keep trying to put yourself inside of that box is exactly why no one wants to sign up with you. People want to work with people who they know are legit and know what they're talking about, not the ones without any formal training or trying to call themselves a health and fitness expert. You don't have to be that to be able to help people on their journey.
There's so much more to leading a healthy fulfilling life than just eating better and working out, right? There's so much more to the process than just that. And there's a part of that process that you are really, really good at something that other solutions, other distributors, and other people aren't talking about. But you can be their go-to expert for that person who needs that specific piece. This is something else that you really need to own. And this is something again, that the minute you grasp this, and you take ownership of this, your business will change forever. You are not your network marketing company. Your network marketing company is a tool. It's a tool that you use to change lives. People are coming to you, joining you, and signing up with you because of what you bring to the table.
People know they can buy shampoo anywhere, they can buy essential oils from Whole Foods, they can go to GNC and get a protein powder. Why are people joining you? The minute you take ownership of figuring out what that is, your business will change forever. You're not a cookie-cutter. And the minute you stop trying that cookie-cutter, you're going to be amazed at how many people are going to be connecting with you and wanting to work with you.
Mistake #2 You are building your business with old tactics.
You are building your business like it is in 2014, you are not staying up to date with the industry, the changes in the tools, the trends, or even the social media platforms that you're utilizing to grow your business. No wonder why you're not going anywhere.
In an industry, that is market-based marketing, social media sales, you have to stay up with the times. You can't expect your network marketing corporation to be run by a bunch of people that have a lot more responsibilities on their plate than keeping you in the loop. You can't expect them to stay on top of this for you. This is your job. This is your job as an independent business owner, you have to stay in the loop. And so what does that mean? Are you committed to continued education? Are you doing the research? Are you reading the articles? Are you reading these studies? And are you watching these platforms? And when I say studying this, I don't mean just getting on reels because it's new, and everybody else is getting on reels. No, I mean, are you reading Instagram's blog? Are you on LinkedIn connecting with people who work with these companies? We're putting out announcements and resources? Are you actually studying the tools that you're using? Are you actually conducting research? Are you conducting testing? Are you seeing what works and what doesn't? Or are you just blindly following what corporate says? That is something again, that most people in your company are not doing.
If you want a business that no one else has, you have to be willing to do what nobody else is doing. And most people aren't doing that. They're just taking things that other people say or random things they see posted on Facebook for face value and just winging it. The market has changed. Marketing, advertising, and social media have changed. And when your tactics and your tools are not changing and adapting with it, you're being left behind. If the last year has taught us anything, it's that the age-old days of home parties are not the same as they used to be. Social media and what people look for and what they expect have changed.
Mistake #3 You’re not using original content
People have minimal patience for content that they know did not come from your brand, and from your heart. People can tell when you're using the exact same copy-pasted posts that everyone bought the same post-pack from your company to prepare for a new release. It can also lead to them not differentiating you from other people. If they see the same post, and captions, and approach, they will not remember you because you’re not standing out.
What can we do about this?
Instead, focus on making sure that your content is infused with your brand voice. It's important to make sure that if you are using a template as a guide, that you are changing at least 50% of that template to be your brand voice. I'm not talking about just doing an ad-lib where you're changing a sentence, you need to make sure that at least 50% is changed. And you want to make sure that you're also adjusting some placement and the formatting. Meaning you want to make sure that it's not the exact flow as everyone else's, especially if it's coming from a service where people are copying and pasting content, following the same schedule on the same dates.
Some other options of what you can do if you don't have the time or the capacity to create original content can be adjusting your feed posting schedule. Depending on the business, I recommend people posting to their feed around three to four times a week, not completely brand new content every single time, you can repurpose content from months prior that performed very well. However, if that schedule is not working, and you feel like you have to resort to using copy-pasted content, what I recommend doing instead is to shorten that schedule to posting content that again is your brand voice and yours one to two times a week so that it's more manageable for your schedule.
Another option is you can work with a copywriter to do copy editing or copywriting. Copy editing is when you submit a post that you wrote to a copywriter and they make tweaks and formatting to make sure it's infused with authority, your brand voice, and that it stands out as original. And then full copywriting is basically creating a post for you from scratch. Both are options that my social media agency Ybanez media does. So you can absolutely reach out to me and we can chat about that or go to the link in the show notes to see how my Chicago-based team can help you. However, keep in mind that if you're going to keep using the same content as other people, be prepared for your content to not stand out and your reach to not only be effective but also the purchasing power.
Mistake #4 You’re trying to do everything alone
It's okay to ask for help. This is the problem with my business. And this is the ultimate outcome that I want to end up at and see who are experts in the space that can help you. Because if you are hitting a wall, and you are stuck, and you are suffering in silence, that's ultimately affecting the people whose lives you're transforming. It's also ultimately impacting your business. So I have a free Facebook community where you can ask questions anytime you want. Myself, my team, and then also a bunch of other women who are a part of the stop behavioral movement are in there to help you.
We learn from research, but we also learn from asking for help when we need it, and really leaning into that. Because anyone who says that they are doing this all by themselves, they're either lying to you, or they're so burnt out that they're literally dead. Because when you try to do it all alone, meaning if you're only relying on your immediate network marketing bubble, what can happen is we close ourselves off to the world, the world of knowledge and information that's outside of that bubble.
Getting outside of that bubble can also allow you to have unique and new perspectives that can really help you in your business. So if you feel really cut off from the world, and you're in this bubble, and you're feeling stuck, break out of that bubble, reach out for support, because this industry is continuing to change.
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