Kayla Ybanez Blog


Mar 12, 2020

Do you feel comfortable with how to take your prospect down the purchasing journey when they DM you asking for more info?

This usually happens when you share a perfectly drafted breadcrumb post showcasing your latest workout and how 10 lucky individuals can join you in a private accountability group! -- -The post goes up and at LEAST one of these DMs comes in!

Someone is curious and wants to know what the heck you’re talking about

“Tell me about this CHALLENGE GROUP thing?!”

🖖🏻 generally you’d send a DM back telling them all about your amazing results, a cute Canva graphic of 3 different price options and it totally includes the trainer on it as well because, wait, who’s that cute looking dude?

You also go over options on how they can get their stuff paid for, no more DVDs..the Netflix of fitness and word vomit 🤮 galore

And your reply is “seen” and you never hear from this person ever, ever again

Sound familiar? Let’s chat about how you can respond when someone asks you what your challenges are so we don’t scare them away with our eager energy:

1️⃣ LESS ABOUT OUT YOU & MORE ABOUT THEM - this isn’t the opportunity to tell them all about your results or the million ways to join. Instead become an active listener: “what makes you interested to learn more?”

2️⃣ ASK - ask them why they’re curious to learn more and learn as much as you can about them and their needs to see if they’re in alignment with what you offer - “have you tried ______ before? What were your thoughts?”

3️⃣ OPPORTUNITY - the purpose of this conversation needs to be about making sure they’re the right fit for you & you are the right fit for them. Once you know, ask them if they’d like to discuss how they can work with you - “based on ______ I think this __ group is a great fit for you! What do you think?” If they say yes, “What questions do you have for me before we talk about the next steps?”

When you come from service rather than going right to the close, you’re able to close more sales & be working with ideal clients who SHOW UP & do the work, am I right?

Let me know what you think of this episode and keep me posted on how your DM conversations are going!

Kayla Ybanez is a top industry business coach, international public speaker, and founder of The Modes Project and Ybanez Media. Kayla says goodbye to outdated strategies like icky “hey girl” cold messages and HELLO to changing societal norms about the Network Marketing industry.


Kayla Ybanez is a top industry business coach, international public speaker, and founder of The Modes Project and Ybanez Media. Kayla says goodbye to outdated strategies like icky “hey girl” cold messages and HELLO to changing societal norms about the Network Marketing industry.
